
Hello there! welcome to my blog

I'm new at this but thought my first post should be an introduction.

I'm Jemma, I am married to David and we have 2 children who are 10 and 6. I spend my life running around after them and organising their social lives. often they are busier than I am, but I think that's normal for kids?

I love making things, be it bread, skirts, dresses, cakes, hats and messes. we also have 2 allotments where we grow as many random items as we can find, purple poded peas, white carrots, jumbo pink banana squash, you name it and we've probably grown it, or at least tried to.

Most people tell me I'm mad, but a good mad? I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I think its good, I'm happy and that is all that matters.

I usually have unusual coloured hair, tonight I changed it to a bright red, yesterday it was pink, last week it was purple and before that blue. My family often ask when I'm going to have normal hair but whilst I think I can still get away with it my hair will not be normal, sorry mum.
I love bright hair, 3 reasons why, 1 it brightens up any outfit, 2 I'm easy to spot in a crowd, and 3 it makes me happy.

I have various part time jobs which include being a lollypop lady and a dinner lady. I am also a student studying with the open university, I'm currently working towards a degree and should be writing an essay right now instead of this....

That's a bit about me. I've been told I should write a blog by a few people now so I thought why not. I will make a proper first post soon.

take care x


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